VIC: simplify your procedures while accelerating the energy transition with personalised, eco-responsible offers

In a world where the ecological transition is a priority, environmentally-friendly homes play a major role in reducing energy consumption. The Energy Performance Diagnostic (DPE) is becoming an essential criterion when selling a property, and attractive financial aid is available to encourage energy renovations.

For mortgage professionals, we have redesigned our VIC (Sale and Credit Instruction) solution. Thanks to an intelligent connection with ADEME (Agence De l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Énergie), all you have to do now is enter the property’s ADEME reference in VIC to get instant access to all the DPE data: energy performance, CO2 emissions, type of energy and year of construction.

And the innovation doesn’t stop there! Thanks to our advanced parameter-setting tool, Genèse, banks and mortgage lenders can now customise their offers and offer preferential rates for environmentally-friendly projects. Easily integrate this data into your banking tools to support your sustainable finance initiatives.

With VIC, you can simplify your procedures and play your part in the energy transition. Boost your performance and commit to a greener future today!

VIC services make it easy to integrate into your ecosystem 

Discover VIC, a 100% omnichannel solution for front-to-middle office credit sales and processing. Take advantage of a powerful tool for optimising your financing plan.